Moving Forward - Through - Up - On - Out
Start or continue evolving professionally and personally. Work through your specific challenges or goals. Build and expand and master your leadership practices. Experience and practice the fundamentals of Positive Intelligence® or Energy Leadership™.
Work with me one-on-one as your leadership coach partner. I make use of leadership coaching practices, planning and accountability, elements of Core Energy Coaching™, COR.E Leadership Dynamics™, Positive Intelligence®, other tools and frameworks, my extensive personal and high tech business experience, to co-create and implement an individual customized leadership coaching program with you.
Finding Out What You Don’t Know
An Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment and a one-on-one debrief give you insight into yourself, often powerful and sometimes surprising. Discover how you are currently showing up, experiencing your work and life with multiple levels of energy that are based on your history, your beliefs, things happening around you. That energy influences your perceptions. Learn about Energy Leadership™ and how energy levels affect individual – and specifically, your – performance. Identify areas of your work or life that might need some attention.
The Energy Leadership™ Index 360 Assessment and a one-on-one debrief provide additional perspective and insight into your energy and competencies from other people in your work and life.
Assess your energy in the moment, just before you jump into your next important activity. The SCOPE™ app helps you find out what you need to shift/adjust to increase the likelihood of performing to your potential.
The Positive Intelligence® Saboteur Assessment and a one-on-one discovery session give you insight into ways your mindset impacts your mental fitness and your performance, health, and relationships.
A StrengthsFinder™ Top 5 Assessment and a one-on-one debrief identify and provide insight into your top strengths and talents as a foundation for understanding and optimizing your engagement in your profession and life.
Developing Your Mental Fitness
Experience the six-week Positive Intelligence® Mental Fitness Program with a coached/guided pod. For individuals or groups.
Learn the fundamentals of Positive Intelligence
Identify your saboteurs and how they get in your way, and practice weakening their impact
Explore and increase mental muscle to build your PQ®
Includes materials, access to videos, smartphone app, and coached accountability pod
Optional “Growth Programs” also available for continuation beyond original program
Developing Your Group
Join with others on your team or with other like-minded professionals for interactive presentations, lunch ‘n’ learns, workshops, or webinars, for introductions to and other explorations and applications of Energy Leadership™, COR.E Leadership Dynamics™, and Positive Intelligence®. Delivered in person or by Zoom. Customizable topics include:
Working with Difficult Leaders & Colleagues
Working with Resistance to Change
Leading in Uncertainty
Sleep Camp for Leaders
Energy Gainers and Drainers for Leaders
Showing Up with Positive Energy
Energy Leadership™ for High Tech Leaders
Positive Intelligence® for High Tech Leaders
Leading Change: Introduction to Core Energy
(More in development - what’s your interest?)
Find out more about the frameworks and methodologies: