I have heard their names, read their stories, and mourned their senseless deaths. My incredulity and anger and sadness have prompted me to commit to changes I must make in my own life, actions I must take and attitudes I must adopt in order to dismantle systemic racism and inequality, to be a better ally, and to drive meaningful and lasting change.
I stand against racism and violence. I stand for diversity and inclusion. I stand for respect, dignity and integrity.
I can do better. I will do better. We can do better. We will do better.
I will connect with my black friends and colleagues and network and show my love and support.
I will listen and hold space for them, and talk less, and acknowledge and validate their experience.
I will educate myself on systemic racism, on oppression and structures of white supremacy and white privilege. it is my responsibility to do so and not anyone else’s.
I will be uncomfortable. I will have tough conversations. I will show up. I will persevere.
I will do the work of transformation, restoration, and reparation, professionally and personally.
I will get it wrong. I will be open to feedback about where I am getting it wrong and to guidance on what I can do to get it right.
I will lead with empathy, with compassion, with my heart.
I will walk the talk.
June 8, 2020